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Tag Archives: city


The Vertiginous: Temporalities and Affects of Social Vertigo: Ordinariness

Elena Miltiadis

December 1932. A mark in time and a plan drawn on blank paper. A genesis. A date so recent that it could still exist as part of living memory. The dark pencil traced the regular shapes of streets and squares that soon became a new city, built by the fascist regime on reclaimed land thatRead more


Futile Political Gestures: Politics and the Instruction of Value

Adolfo Estalella

The futile condition of something always entails a judgment of value and this applies to politics too, this judgment may be based on a goal that has to be attained (Peacock, this collection) or the intention of the protagonists (Llera Blanes, this collection). This is something I have learnt in my research and involvement withRead more